The Izbeen Timer is a wonderful little device that helps sleep-deprived new parents keep track of how long it’s been since baby last ate, slept, had medicine or had a diaper change. Timers can be set to give reminders for the next time baby is due for food, meds, diapers or a nap. Additional features such as a nursing reminder switch, illuminated display, clock, and soft nightlight make this the perfect baby aid in those early months.
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this would be SO great! i tried writing on the backs of bills, charts that never worked, etc. with my first two and nothign worked, since, as this emphasizes, i was so sleep-deprived. and then i would be mortified when i needed to give the pertinent info. to my LC or ped... g-d. would love this! Robyn rleehunter@aol.com
ReplyDeleteOf the items in your top 10, I especially agree with the Boppy. It was great for long flights with our infant son! (jbviau@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful product! I have lists and lists of feeding times, etc. all over my counter. I also could not live without a Miracle Blanket which is truly just that...a miracle. The best swaddling blanket out there.
The Itzbeen has to by my number 1 baby essential. I used if for my first baby and plan on using it again! I was so sleep deprived, it was my lifesaver to remind me how much time had gone by. I also used it to time how long to pump for. LOVE it!!
ReplyDeleteGreat top 10 list! We couldn't live without sleep sacks and the swing in our house. The extra layer from the sleep sack is great on cold nights and my baby takes most of her naps in her swing!
I would have to say that I never liked those sleep sacks for my baby boy as they just look ridiculous and he hated them. I do however love the boppy, but I am about to try the "My Brest Friend" for my second baby as it provides better support for the first few months. I tried the soothie wubanub with my son and he ended up loving his fingers instead, it was a cute idea though! And I do have to say that I love the cute outfits and was never a huge fan of the romper! Unfortunately, as I continue to be contradictory I would have to add to the list the "snugglenest" as my son would not sleep without it. He would only sleep while we were holding him and as soon as we put him down he woke up and cried, the snugglenest saved our lives the first couple months!!
ReplyDeleteI think the Itzbeen timer is a great idea for sleep deprived parents!
I would say for sure my number 1 would be a swaddle blanket!! We incorrectly thought our daughter didn't like to be swaddled when we first brought her home from the hospital. If we would have stayed consistent with the swaddling, I think we could have avoided many sleepless nights! We rediscovered swaddling when she was about 8 weeks old (we got the Miracle Swaddle Blanket) and within a week she was sleeping through the night.
I love the sleep sacks! makes me not worry about the baby being cold when he's sleeping. phew!
ReplyDeleteI loved the boppy to help with breast feeding and the swing was a lifesaver. Although, I hope they make heavier duty swings now. My babies were both almost nine pounds when they were born and in no time 20 pounds and bottoming out the poor swing. What I love on the market right now is the boon spoon. The idea of being able to preload this spoon for trips out is fabulous as if having an extra hand at feeding time werent enough. My husband's sister is pregnant with her first baby and due early february and I'd love to be able to give this to her as a gift.
This is one of those "Why didn't I think of that" inventions! So simple, yet every mom would love these! What a great baby shower gift they would make for a new mom. I can think of 100s of uses for this with my twins right now, especially since I suffer from baby brain, that loss of short-term memory created by no sleep for months on end and the stress of raising twins! LOL :)
ReplyDeleteStaci... dshughes@logantele.com
I agree with the swaddle blanket and the sleep sacks. My 1st child wouldn't go into the swing but my second loved it. I would love to have this timer for the 3rd! -Kim.....kimhendo@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteThe swaddle blankets and sleep sacks are the best. I hate putting my little one in a crib with only a sleeper, and then think I'm wearing the same kind of clothes and I'm still going to go snuggle down in my warm bed with covers!
Jennifer jbart1805@yahoo.com
ReplyDeleteI can't pick just one! My baby LOVES his hospital pacifier, WE love sleep sacks, he won't sleep anywhere but his swing....so many of these things are faves!!
Another fave- trumpette socks purchased from your website! and the camo paci clip :)
I love the top 10 list - my son was born a week before Xmas, and especially with a Winter baby, a car seat cover is essential!
ReplyDeleteI also loved the Bebe auLait nursing covers that I found at your store. It was a LIFESAVER for those moments when I was in a public place or with family that I did not want to expose myself to while I was nursing. Sure, you can use a blanket, but this won't fall down and SURPRISE show you to everyone! LOL
Oh, and one last thing...you can never have enough burp cloths. We used cloth diapers as burp cloths, but I thought a 6 pack was enough. Ha!! Not so. I went and got 3-4 more packs because I used them all the time to clean up messes. Very handy!
Of all the things on your list I have to agree with the Boppy pillow. From breast feeding to helping my little one on her stomach, then sitting up, I don't know if there was a day in the first 3 months of her life that I didn't use it, I even brought it to the hospital with me.
ReplyDeleteThe links, a swing and baby gym all came in handy at times but after 5 minutes their time was over.
During my baby shower, I received all shorts of pacifiers (and of course I bought a few myself) and the only one little miss would use was the Nuk from the hospital. I'm now pregnant with my second child and I'm almost hoping that he/she will take a different pacifier so all those cute ones don't go to waste.
One thing I didn't see on your list was the Pck N Play. I lived in a small, one bedroom apartment for a short while after my first was born and the PNP couldn't have been a greater help. The diaper changing station on top was a perfect height and came off easily for quick naps. Now it has converted into a wonderful play yard while mommy is cooking, doing laundry, etc and sometimes even doubles as a toybox.
the swaddle blanket worked so well for us, while the sleep sack was a bit disappointing as it didn't give baby daughter that swaddled feeling. the timer is great. i had a rubber bracelet that i could adjust manually for next feeding time - the idea was great, but i was so tired from lack of sleep that i kept forgetting to move it forward! jennifer (jenniferbanando@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteThe Boppy was definitely the most consistently used product in our house. I would have to add the Baby Bjorn to the list. We used ours all the time, as it was so much easier to venture out with the Bjorn than carting out the stroller all the time. The timer looks awesome & would certainly be helpful for #2 due any day now :)
wish i knew about the itzbeen timer for my first and second child. i definitely need one for our third. looks like it would be soooo helpful!(cmv0715@aol.com)
ReplyDeletei would definitely have to say that a nursing cover (bebe au lait) was an essential product that i took everywhere with me, as was the pack & play (once she moved into her crib after the first 3 mos., the pack and play stayed in the van so we could put her down for naps at family/friends' houses). (cookiemonsteryau@gmail.com)
ReplyDeleteSwaddle me and sleep sack for sure!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great product, so useful, I would love this!!! daniellelourey@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteDefinitely love the sleepsack!!!
My daughter was born 3 weeks early, and was pretty tiny...the preemie swaddler and preemie hospital binky were both lifesavers! As she grew, the Boppy was great for breastfeeding and propping her up for pictures, different change of scenery, tummy time, or help with sitting! We NEVER used our bouncer, but LOVE our exersaucer. However, this timer would be great even now because, as a mom of 2, I can NEVER remember when I changed who or which one ate when or even, if they need meds, when I gave a dose at what time...my husband can usually remember, but he's not home all the time.
The carseat cover IS great, but I cant wait to get little girl trumpette socks. I have the sneaker ones from my son's layette, but my princess needs something girly too!
ReplyDeleteCortney cdolmstead@comcast.net
This timer would be so helpful during these times of sleep deprivation!! What a great product!
I looked everywhere for the Izbeen when when my first was born...would love to try this with my next. The number one all time must have is the swaddle me. My first started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks because of the swaddle me blanket. With my second being in the NICU for 2 months we used it to make her feel secure plus keep her warm :) Greatest invention ever!
So far the nuk is the don't leave home without so we have a few clips to keep track of them. I use a notebook to keep track of the feedings but I was told to get a timer it is much better.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great tips.
This timer would be so helpful during these times of sleep deprivation!! I would love to have this
My favorite from the list is the great swaddle blanket. We couldn't have lived without it in the beginning. Jess wheaton1029@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the great comments! I love that there are some things that all of us agree we couldn't live with out (whoever invented the Boppy Pillow was a wonderful person!) and some that babies either like or hate (the swing being one of them). I'd never heard of a snugglenest before and I wish I had! Kasia sleeps with us. I spent *a lot* of money on a co-sleeper, thinking that she would spend some time in it and some time in bed with us. But she really mainly is in bed with us, so the money on the co-sleeper pretty much went to waste. I wish I had known about the snugglenest, because I think it would have been perfect! Maybe for baby #3, someday... :)
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are expecting in July. Any clever gizmo or gadget that will help us out would be great.
As a mom of 3, all having nursed, I think this is a great idea!! I would be thrilled to get to use it for the duration of my nursing, and for all the other feeding/napping/medicine schedules to remember! What a great tool for a very busy mom. It is about time (pardon the pun)! mrsmeredith@msn.com
ReplyDeleteAnd I would have to say that sometimes it is the simple tools that are the most useful for a busy and forgetful mom. I would be sad to not have my "ducky diaper baggiess". It is a little dispenser filled with baby powder scented bags for everything messy when you are on-the-go. Dirty or wet clothes, diapers, whatever... won't stink up your car anymore. And the best thing is I always have it in my bag so when I have to take the diaper with me from the doctor's office I have a baggie on hand (one less thing to worry about at the doctor's office). It also doubles as a toy for baby - they love the ducky on top of the dispenser!
I've always wanted one of these timers I had to make spreadsheets on excel to remind myself of when I last fed or pumped. I would love to have one especially now with a 2 week old.
I have three kids, my youngest being 20mths- oldest 8- and I still use this...it comes in handy when medicine is needed, nebulizer treatments etc...- being busy you need to keep track and this is great and very useful
ReplyDeleteWhat a great gift for my daughter and her little one. So much better than a ragged notebook in the diaper bag.
This timer would be so useful!! I can never remember when I give tylenol to my babies and when I change diapers - I guess with 4 kids 4 and under it can be a little hard to keep up!! So why do I like this item?? It is one less thing for me to try to keep up with!!!
For us, the 'Swaddle Me' was a godsend! Loved it! My #1 baby shower gift for first time moms:)
This sounds like a great product. I am only the aunt to be but this would be a great present. I can not even count how many times I forgot when I had feed my little girl or when I changed her diaper last...This would have been great to have...
ReplyDeleteName: Clea
Email: cleawhit@yahoo.com
Great product, so need this for when ilaws baby sit to remmeber diaper changes and feedings.
And the winner is..... Lindsay!(jonandlindz@gmail.com). Thanks to all who entered! Hope to hear from you all next month as well. :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite item from your list was the Sleep Sack!! I loved the Halo brand!! I also think the gym with the mirror was great, my girls loved the two gyms I had!!